How to survive an avalanche.

How to survive an avalanche: Expert tips on what to do if the worst happens on ski slope.

Hey there, fellow skiers and snowboarders! If you're hitting the slopes, it's essential to stay prepared and be aware of avalanche safety. Recent tragic incidents have highlighted the importance of being equipped and informed to minimize risks while enjoying off-piste skiing. To boost your chances of survival in case of an avalanche, experts recommend using a 'swimming' technique if caught in a slide, along with carrying essential gear such as a locator beacon and an avalanche airbag. Remember, staying informed is crucial – regularly check avalanche danger ratings and weather conditions online or with your resort. There are even smartphone apps available to keep you updated on the go!

Avalanche, survival, skilled,
How to survive the avalanche.

As we gear up for the winter months, let's stay enthusiastic about hitting the slopes while also staying safe and prepared. Keep an eye on avalanche safety guidelines, and let's make this ski season a memorable and safe one!

It is crucial to avoid off-piste skiing or closed runs, as demonstrated by Wednesday's tragic avalanche at Les Deux Alpes resort. The avalanche struck a closed piste, claiming the lives of two French students and a Ukrainian man. According to Abta's spokesperson, skiers should be mindful of the perils of venturing beyond the controlled area of the mountain. Those considering off-piste skiing should exercise extreme caution and enlist the guidance of an experienced professional. When on the mountain, skiers must remain vigilant for signs of previous avalanche activity, such as cracking or collapsing, and listen for hollow noises when moving across the surface. Phil Campion, a former SAS member and TV presenter, emphasized the importance of recognizing these warning signs in an interview with Adventure Travel Magazine. Furthermore, skiers should be aware that significant snowfall, rain, or rising temperatures can render the snow pack unstable, as highlighted by the American Avalanche Association. In the event of an avalanche, skiers are in a perilous struggle for survival, facing the risk of being buried or thrown into trees or rocks. Experts advise skiers to ski sideways when an avalanche commences and make every effort to remain on the slide's surface. This may involve shedding poles and employing a 'swimming' technique in the direction of the slide or rolling like a log if knocked off their feet. Additionally, attempting to grab onto a tree is an option, although challenging due to the high speed of the moving snow. If a skier becomes buried in an avalanche, it is imperative to promptly create air space around the nose and mouth before the snow solidifies and to move the body to generate additional space. The Mountaineering Council of Scotland recommends maintaining one hand in front of the face, taking and holding a deep breath to preserve chest expansion, and endeavoring to remain calm and conserve energy. The American Avalanche Association cautions that the odds of survival for those completely buried are just 30 percent.

Ensure you have the necessary equipment.
When skiing, it is crucial to carry specific gear such as an avalanche transceiver or beacon, a shovel, probes, and an airbag. A transceiver or beacon, which typically costs around £200, is essential as it transmits the location of a person buried in snow. Some jackets or clothing now incorporate technology to aid rescuers in locating a buried skier. Collapsible probes resemble tent poles and are used to penetrate the snow accurately to locate a trapped skier identified via a beacon. Avalanche airbags, although expensive (priced at over £500), inflate with the pull of a cord. They are designed to increase the wearer's size, helping them rise to the surface as snow slides down a mountain. However, it's important to note that they do not guarantee survival.

Understanding Avalanches.

An avalanche occurs when a layer of snow slides on top of another (surface avalanche) or when the whole snow cover slides on the ground (full-depth avalanche). Steeper slopes pose a greater risk of a snowslide. Avalanches can be dry or wet, and they may consist of loose snow (starting at a single point) or a slab avalanche, which occurs when an area of more cohesive snow separates from the surrounding snow and slides out. Asphyxiation is the most common cause of death in an avalanche, accounting for about 90% of victims. Nearly 90% of victims perish in slides triggered by themselves or a member of their group, and a buried victim has only a 27% chance of survival after 35 minutes. Sources: The Mountaineering Council of Scotland and American Avalanche Association.


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